Life Coach

Thoughts & Inspiration

The Art of Surrender

In a world that encourages action-taking, planning and control, to surrender can feel foreign and scary. To relinquish the reigns of control and completely trust. Surrender is not failure...

Vibrational Frequency Therapy

All energy vibrates at a specific frequency. Frequencies are the language of cell communication, that opens connections and functions in the body. Therefore, the various parts of our bodies...

Demystifying Reiki

If you think about the energy that moves through our walls when we turn on the lights, Reiki works in a similar way. We cannot see the energy moving,...

Keep calm and meditate

As the pace of life becomes faster and faster, meditation is becoming less of a luxury and more of a necessity. The compounding demands of work, life & family...

The power of sound meditation

Scientific studies show that sound instruments that produce alpha frequencies, such as Tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks or gongs, are  able to alter our brainwave state....